World View of Global Warming

world view of global warming“World View of Global Warming, which began in 1999 with an assignment to Antarctica, is the only dedicated climate change science and action documentation project independently undertaken by a photojournalist. It is funded by donations, grants, image and book sales and assignments; donations and grants are accepted as tax-deductible contributions through Blue Earth Alliance which passes through 96 percent of all funds.

When I designed the project in 1998, my mission was defined to tell the story of rapid climate change –- and the actions it makes necessary — with scientifically accurate and compelling photographs that reached the public world wide. I knew as a photojournalist the power of a picture, and that people needed to see images of the changing climate’s impact on this planet. Seeing is believing. The images and on-scene reporting have been widely used, published and honored in magazines, books, films, museums, scientific displays, apps and public forums and classrooms. This work was first of its kind, has been widely influential and remains a leader.”


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